by PTC
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(Visit the Best Sellers in Patio Dining Chairs list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
With the flip of your wrist this sturdy handmade wrought iron chair folds completely flat for easy off-season storage or transport. Requires no tools for assembly or break down. The attractive powder-coated finish protects the chair from rusting when left outdoors and is weather resistant year round. No garden, pool or patio table setting is complete without a set of these versatile folding dining chairs and their elegant, comfortable design. Removable cushion included. These chairs were specifically designed to fall within the size limits of UPS transportation saving money on shipping costs. Cushion is unbleached, natural cotton. Powder-coated wrought iron can be wiped down with a damp cloth. Cushion cover is removable and can be machine-washed. The Folding Dining Chair is pictured here with our Round Bistro Table. For the perfect set up, order a pair of the Folding Dining Chairs and our Round Bistro Table!
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